Title: Feeling The Presence ( Original )
Price: $250 ( Shipping & Packaging Additional )
Size: 30.48 cms x 30.48 cms ( 12″ x 12” inches )
About the painting:
PLEASE NOTE : The art mock up previews are catered to meet your visual needs and are almost close to the actual size but may not be exact scale, however please kindly refer to the exact dimensions listed to ensure the art-work fits your specific requirements.
Whatever good that we do in our lives, it always comes back to us in one way or the other in 10 folds. Our deeds do play a very important role, they give us strength in our difficulties. I don’t believe in destiny because I don’t understand the logic to how it works. But I do strongly believe in actions. Our deeds define the quality of our lives. Good deeds create a sacred shield, it’s the god’s way of showing you are being watched all the time and you better buck up.