All my paintings are 100% original crafted with rich and energetic colors having multiple layers and textures to it.

– There’s always something special about owning an original work of art that sets everything else uniquely apart from the rest, it’s a sense of honor, pride and quality, and when you choose to buy art from me you’ll be only person owning the particular piece in the whole world and that is truly exclusive.

My artwork will appraise in value through time.

– Buying an original work of art always holds great chances for valuation of the artwork to increase or to go up through time along with the growth of every professional and passionate artist who is bound to grow with all the commitment and dedication and the experience that goes into the process of the making of the art.

I never compromise on quality and always use the best artist grade materials.

– Quality always goes a long way and that has always remained my primary focus and having said that I only use colors that are best in quality of artist grade and are rich in pigments followed by double layer coated artist grade varnish to help protect the artwork from various weather conditions and dust ( also please refer to ” Handling & Care ” section from the Terms and Condition page ).

My art is full of Feel good vibes and positive energy.

– Art is emotionally very healing by nature and has the potential to brighten up someone’s mood or a state of mind, every color has a vibe and a great set of energies attached to it and my art is all about giving you that feel good vibes and comfort also bringing out the best in you.

I love what I do and I am extremely Passionate about my art career.

– I’ve always been extremely passionate about being an abstract artist and I wish to take my passion to a totally another level and be all over the place, I am here to stay and make my online and physical presence as an abstract artist felt through my immense passion for my craft and I remain humbly proud of it.

Creatively experimental with new approaches and ideas.

– As an artist it’s always a value addition to be wanting to explore different dimensions of creativity and challenge your experimental capabilities, I don’t enjoy being predictable at all which is why I personally prefer to keep my style very versatile in nature and produce works of art that gives me a total sense of freedom and expression and that’s exactly what my personality is all about.

There’s always something suitable for your dream home.

– My art goes well with every modern / traditional home interior set up and you will always have varieties to choose from, else I will be more than happy to create one that suites your dream home the best.

Absolute value for money.

– My art is fairly priced making it affordable to all art lovers and collectors across the globe considering the quality I offer and my growing worth in the art market which at some point will fetch you good returns through time making every penny worth investing.

Trustworthy & Approachable.

– I am a very hard working artist and I always have done my best to live up to my collectors expectations and with all the love, respect and gratitude for your generous support shown towards my passion I will forever continue in doing my best as much possible to ensure your convenience and satisfaction, Your trust and respect for me as an artist and my work means a big deal to me and I am eternally grateful to all my supporters and well wishers.


– It’s my sincere intention to be at your service and help you with a pleasant interactive and business experience making myself totally approachable whenever you look forward to buying my artwork or even have any valid queries relevant to my art.

Branded & Signature'd

– There’s always a dual advantage with owning my artwork It’s not just signatured as an art but also associated to my very own personal brand name ” Absolute Abstracts Lounge “.